Have you ever wondered what the Wisconsin state bird eats when there is snow on the ground or the worms are frozen? Well, I have, but last Sunday (March 27) when I was hiking the Derek Dobogai trail in Kiekhaefer Park, I saw how God takes care of his birds (Matthew 6: 26).
As I was heading back from the loop to the north end of the park I heard a passel of robins up ahead. When I got closer, I noticed they were in a grove of sumacs pecking away at last year's red seed head, eating sumac seeds, I would guess. They really didn't want me getting too close, so I'm glad I have a 20X zoom on my camera. It should be noted that the camera was in color mode, but the pic sure looks black and white with red highlighting.

Anyway, those red-breasted robins are just another sure sign that God will soon be blessing us with spring weather. And since the robins have now been snowed on three times, I would guess that spring is just around the corner.
glad u had the 20x zoom. Our God is amazing !!